Thursday, June 18, 2009

Tonight's abortion discussion on the Daily Show

Kudos to both Jon Stewart and Mike Huckabee for maintaining an interesting and fairly rational discourse on the topic of abortion. Very interesting, and suprisingly free of Stewart's usual overwhelming one-sidedness. I was disappointed they never got around to discussing the root of the debate, at least on air. (In a nutshell, I think it has to do with our society's arbitrary and ill-defined mandate about a person's right to life.) I'll have to check out the full version shortly.

Anna made a great point that she wishes Huckabee would have had to defend his clearly stated "every human life is equal" belief in the context of an LGBTQ discussion. Unsurprisingly, Huckabee is apparently quite "pro-family" (read "against equality, independent of sexual preference"). He seems like a nice and intelligent guy to me...I wonder if he genuinely believes his opinions, and why.

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