Saturday, August 8, 2015

Skin problem? Vinegar solution!

For the past few weeks, I've used Doxycycline, Clindamycin, and Bactroban (mupirocin) ointment to treat a mild (but persistent) skin infection on my big toe. Combined with daily saline (salt water) soaks, the infection didn't worsen, but also didn't go away. The use of antibiotics seemed to produce mostly just unpleasant side effects (skin rash and typical GI symptoms).  The ointment seemed partially effective, but my doctor advised I discontinue it, given the lack of clear results after 6 days of use.

Yesterday, my (Duke Medical Center) dermatologist suggested trying a vinegar or mild bleach solution.  She mentioned that vinegar is effective for treating both fungal and gram-negative bacterial infections, and provided me instructions for mixing and applying the solution.  Immediately following the soak, I noticed some stinging and inflammation.  Since then (overnight), the affected area has improved significantly. Thus, I feel compelled to share her instructions for this easy, affordable, and potentially effective home remedy:

Antibacterial & Antifungal Vinegar Soak
  • 1:2 vinegar to water solution (1 part vinegar to 2 parts water).
  • Use regular, store-bought white distilled vinegar.
  • Use tepid water -- no extreme temperatures.
  • Soak the affected region for 15 minutes, once daily.
  • Dry the area completely and allow it to remain open to the air as much as possible.
That's it!  I hope this proves informative and useful for someone.  Don't hesitate to leave a quick comment here letting me know, if it does.

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